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Tracey's Profile

Tracey qualified as an accredited coach in 2002 and attained PCC accreditation with the ICF in 2018; Tracey has been working with businesses to improve their performance ever since. Tracey is also trained in supporting businesses during the redundancy process and offers discreet and confidential counselling for those affected. She is also a certified NLP Business Practitioner. Tracey is a member of the ICF and ANLP. Find out how she has impacted organisations in Testimonials.

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Contact Details
Contact Tracey on:
Tel:+ 44 (0)1534 629479
Jersey Address- Top Floor, 20 Hill Street, St Helier.


It is often said that an effective coach provides an independent pair of ears with whom a senior individual can talk about the issues they may be unable to discuss with others inside the organisation. Because of the nature of this unique relationship, confidentiality and trust are key.

Some ground rules and a coaching agreement need to exist between all parties involved: the person from within the organisation who initiated the coaching programme, known as the sponsor (usually the client's employer, line-manager, or HR manager), the coach and the individual being coached (referred to here as the client). Occasionally, if there is no sponsor, for example for self-employed individuals, the agreement is simply between the coach and the coaching client.

The coach's role is to support, without judgement, and challenge the individual to perform at a higher level and believes:

  • No matter how people currently perform, we all have the ability to perform even better in aspects of our working lives
  • People are their own best resource
  • People are not defined by their current behaviour. Coaching focusses on behaviours (which can be changed) not personalities.

How do the coaching sessions work?

A typical "basic"  programme consists of 6 x 1 hour coaching discussions over a period of  90 - 100 working days. Because of the bespoke nature of CIEC coaching, alternative options are always available, for example, beginning the programme with a feedback exercise to raise self-awareness, or a LAB profile to elicit the client's motivation patterns in work. (For more information on LAB profiling visit )

Each individual needs to come to coaching with some identified areas to work on, in order to affect  behavioural changes.  Ideally, these will have been discussed and agreed with the sponsor / line manager (see above).  During the first coaching discussion these areas are explored, prioritised and turned into clear goals linked to Measurable Objectives (MO's). 
At the end of each coaching discussion the client goes away with a self-determined action plan, for completion prior to the next meeting.
In order to keep on track and to assess progress, the coaching client completes a mid-point review half way through the coaching programme and a final review at the end. Together the coach and client review the goals and MO's, along with recommendations for the way forward. Both reviews are shared with the sponsor (typically the line-manager) with prior agreement from the client. It is important to note that the detailed content of the coaching discussions remains confidential between the coach and the individual.  However, any trends identified  will be presented back to the organisation, if prior agreement is given from the client.

At the mid-point of the programme, the sponsor  is also asked for feedback on the client's progress in terms of behavioural changes relating to the MO's set out at the start. This enables the coach, the client and the sponsor to monitor the quality of the coaching and the progress being made, ensuring ROI.
The Benefits of Coaching
Although every individual, and organisation, is unique, experience has taught us that certain themes frequently arise, which coaching is able to address:
  • Communication and inter-personal relationships
  • Conflict with colleagues or clients
  • Work load, time-management and delegation (and often, all 3!)
  • Lack of clarity around expectations
  • Confidence
The benefits you can expect, through using an external (as opposed to in-house) coach include:
  • Improved staff morale and retention
  • Reduced staff absences, by addressing the work/life balance
  • Improved communication by using a coaching approach to problem solving
  • Empowering employees to pro-actively resolve issues which are affecting the team's performance
  • Improved performance through goal-setting, planning and prioritising
  • Increased productivity, directly affecting the bottom-line of your business
  • Improved decision-making on a daily basis
A study of 1000 companies using Executive coaches, reported the following findings:
  • 77% reported improved working relationships
  • 67% reported an improvement in team work
  • 53% reported increased productivity
  • 52% reported a reduction in conflict
  • 32% reported an increase in retention of senior staff

A separate study carried out by the International Coaching Federation, which surveyed 11,000 corporate coaching clients, found that a staggering 98.5% said that their investment, regardless of what it cost, was "well worth it"!

Much of Tracey's coaching focusses on raising self-awareness, enabling clients to make significant changes in behaviour, often with dramatic effect.

As Robin Sharma, author of "The Greatness Guide" said,

"Self-awareness precedes choice, and choice precedes results."

Until we are really aware of the impact our actions have, how can we make choices which will positively improve our performance? The process of increasing our self awareness, through candid  feedback can be uncomfortable at times. However, the ability to adapt our behaviour and thereby our impact on others, is key to leadership.